Managing railway operators in your trips
On viaduct, you can assign a railway operator to each of your recorded trips. This feature helps you keep track of your journeys with different operators and optimizes your personal railway statistics.

Automatic assignment of railway operators
Depending on the country you're traveling in, a suitable railway operator will be automatically suggested. This feature is based on an extensive database that we've compiled, detailing which operators are active in which countries. This ensures that only relevant options are displayed, making it easier for you to assign the correct operator to your trips. For cross-border journeys, we always suggest the operator of the departure country. If operator information is included in the timetable data, we use this as well. However, due to limited information, we might not always provide the perfect suggestion.
Manual selection and adjustment
If the suggested railway operator isn't correct, or if you'd prefer to choose a different one, you can manually adjust this at any time. The selection list provides an overview of the operators active in your travel country, keeping the options relevant and straightforward.
Railway operators in the dashboard
In the viaduct dashboard, you'll find an overview of the railway operators you've already traveled with. Here, you can track which operators you've yet to travel with, helping you complete your railway adventure.
Missing or incorrect railway operators?
If you notice that a railway operator is missing from the list or has been incorrectly assigned, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team will work to ensure that the database remains as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Just drop us an email at [email protected].