Terms of Use

viaduct OG provides the viaduct app as a free tool for documenting train journeys in the form of a logbook, including visualization capabilities through a dashboard and a map. The use of the viaduct app is subject to the following terms and conditions.

Intellectual Property

All rights to intellectual property relating to the viaduct app, including software, design, graphics, and other content, remain the property of viaduct OG or the respective rights holders.

Limitation of Liability

viaduct app does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. The data is not suitable for planning train journeys. The use of the viaduct app is at the user's own risk.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of the viaduct app governs the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of personal data. The privacy policy is available at viaduct.world/legal/privacy.

User Behavior

Users of the viaduct app agree to comply with the terms of use and to behave respectfully towards other users. Any abusive behavior or violation of the terms of use may result in the suspension of the user's account.

Account Conditions

Creating a user account with the viaduct app requires acceptance of the terms of use and the provision of minimal personal data in accordance with the privacy policy.

Termination of Use

viaduct app reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts if a violation of the terms of use is identified. Users have the right to appeal against the suspension or termination of their account.

Changes to Terms of Use

viaduct app may update or modify the terms of use from time to time. Users will be informed about significant changes to the terms of use.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms of use are governed by the laws of Austria. In disputes between users and viaduct app, the jurisdiction is Vienna.